NEW MOON IN LEO :: Your Heart is Courageous

NEW MOON IN LEO :: Your Heart is Courageous

Leo is known to illuminate courage, pride and set you up in your royal seat. It activates heart-focused leadership and aligns you with your moral compass.
By Jana Roemer of Attune to the Moon


This Leo New Moon arrives Thursday, July 28th at 10:55am PST. Leo is known to illuminate courage, pride and set you up in your royal seat. It activates heart-focused leadership and aligns you with your moral compass. And yes - it’s doing that this round again. It would be weird if it didn’t. Yet, this Leo New Moon's depth is revealed through the Asteroids. 


You are Nourished

Conjunct Ceres, the Moon Goddess of Grain and Harvest, there is a strong nurturing focus with this new moon as the unconditional love of a parent (or lack thereof) is tended to, along with separation and / or grief.


Golden Gratitudes 

This Moon, trine Jupiter in Aries, is activated through love and gratitude and appreciation for all that you have. The blessings that can come streaming through with this moon are abundant!


Balancing the Masculine and Feminine

When we dive into it in a bigger astrological sequential story, it's asking the Leader archetypes to step into a tender-hearted role of nurturing and to center people. Venus is conjunct Black Moon Lilith reminding us that we are truly meant to live in a more balanced expression of the masculine and feminine and stereotypical responsibilities of each can be shed in order to bring the feminine and masculine into balance.


 You are Courageous 

Mercury in Leo is square Uranus in Taurus before it opposes Saturn shortly afterward. To me this feels like a ceremonial moment as we walk toward the North Node, Uranus, Mars conjunction that is sure to mark significant change for all of us through innovation that shifts the trajectory of society. As we sit here at this powerful precipice of change, it’s never been more important to have the courage to lead with love and follow your heart.



New Moon Ritual :: Yellow Light Visualization

1. Find a comfortable seat and close your eyes. Imagine a yellow glowing light sitting under your heart. 

2. Breathe in and imagine that ball of yellow light expanding. Breathe out and imagine sharing your love with the world around you. 

4. Continue doing this until the ball of yellow light grows so big and that you’re sitting inside of it. 

5. Begin to validate yourself once fully inside. Acknowledge yourself. Sit with yourself in love. 

6. Fill your love cup. Once you feel your love cup running over, begin to radiate your dreams and visions and feel what life is like when you allow yourself to lead with love. 

7. When ready, take the time to write down your new moon intentions and place them on your alter. 

8. And if you’d like a guided practice, try Jana’s Leo Astro Nidra: Lead with Love. 


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