FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN :: Understand Your Core

FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN :: Understand Your Core

This is a time of diving deeply into our feels but not so deep that we feel as though we will be swallowed by the sea of emotions. Capricorn energy will provide us with some ground rules to make sure that we arrive safely back at shore with all of the wisdom we swam down into the depths to discover.

By Lexi Marie of @Primally_Cosmic_Yoga

We have a Full Moon on July 3, 2023, at 4:39am PT in the sign of Capricorn. As a reminder, Full Moons, which occur around every 28 days always fall in the opposite zodiac sign that the Sun is in. We are in Cancer season, the water sign representing our emotional body, nurturance, and the motherly energy that we all carry. Capricorn is an earth sign ruled by Saturn representing the fatherly energy of the zodiac, responsibility, authority, and discipline. All in all, we are in a zodiac season which beckons us to ride the waves of life and enjoy the flow of our emotions, experiencing a Full Moon moment of some much-needed direction and structure to support our process.

This is a time of diving deeply into our feels but not so deep that we feel as though we will be swallowed by the sea of emotions. Capricorn energy will provide us with some ground rules to make sure that we arrive safely back at shore with all of the wisdom we swam down into the depths to discover. We are called to softly embrace our inner child and the places of pain within us that lead us to our soul’s true purpose. Allow these memories and narratives to come to you with symbolic truths that you can apply to your life to lovingly reaffirm your integrity and commitment to something deeper than this external world. This is the energy of becoming in touch with one’s soul mission.

Spirit Daughter lovingly states, “When we are fully aligned with Capricorn, we live a purposeful life that resonates with our core values. We extend our truth into the world from a firm foundation rooted in the soul. We also understand that part of our life’s work is to find the truth of our being and fully understand who we are in this lifetime. The Capricorn Moon is a time to go within and understand your core-essence.”

If this feels like serious business and a little intimidating to you, you are not wrong! Our New Moon in Capricorn of December 23, 2022 was the last time we had a lunation in Saturn the planet of rules and restrictions. Yet do not fear, with the softness of Cancer season we see that our vulnerability is what grants us courage and strength to get down to business and  deliberate with these important aspects of our lives.

This is an excellent time of returning to the energy you were in for the New Moon in Cap just before the New Year 2023 and ask yourself what intentions you held. Do you remember what they are? Maybe you are a completely different version of yourself now and it is time to renew and rewrite these intentions, with an evolved state of mind. How much you must have learned in these last six months! I know that I have. Let’s set up the last half of this year to be one that reflects the truth of who we are right now, in this moment.

FULL MOON RITUAL : Reflect, Celebrate, and Envision

During this time of quick-moving growth and expansion, we are being asked to trust ourselves and our inner teacher more than ever. As you navigate all of what life is bringing forward in order for you to grow, it is very important to reflect on how far you've come.

As you continue to move forward with and from your heart, having an awareness of all the reasons you are celebrating yourself, all you have been through, and what you are grateful to yourself for will support you in accessing joy, ease, and trust. 

In turn, joy is the place where our visions can soar. We can imagine the reality we want to live in, thereby bringing it into form.

Here is a simple practice that celebrates you, all that you are, and all you are dreaming of.

1. Carve out time, either early morning or sunset, to be outside in nature. This can be as simple as sitting outside of your home, or traveling to a park, beach, mountain, etc. Nature gives us  instant grounding and will hold us as we reflect.

2. Bring a journal, a pen, and something to keep time with. If using your phone turn it on airplane mode so that you're not disturbed during your process. 

3. Set a timer for 15 minutes. Close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths. After 5 breaths, ask the question: "What can I celebrate myself for?" Another way of saying this is "What do I acknowledge myself for? What has shaped me so far? What am I grateful to myself for?" Sit with this inquiry for another few breaths.

4. When you're ready, open your eyes and begin to write in your journal a free flow list of all you have accomplished. It can be a bullet points, pictures, sentences, words, poetry, whatever feels natural to you in the moment. 

Reminder: It doesn't have to be well thought out or neat. They can be small or large accomplishments. Continue writing until the timer goes off. If you run out of things to write about, choose a few of your accomplishments to describe in more detail.

5. Once done, read over your list, pause, and close your eyes. Give yourself 3 deep breaths and sink into the feeling and the understanding that you have come so far. Give yourself a big hug and a thank you for all that you are.

6. Now, re-set the timer for 15 more minutes. Close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths. After the breaths, ask yourself the question: "What adventures do I want to have?" or "What can I ask the universe to bring to me?"  or "How can it get any better than this?" Sit with these questions for another few breaths.

7.  Open your eyes. On a blank page in your journal, write the words "VISION" at the top. Until the timer goes off, write down your honest heart's desires. Let the word 'Vision' bring forward all of the possibilities that could float into your life - relationships, work, travel, experiences, feelings, creations, health - anything that excites you. Do not edit or worry about how these things will take place. Simply let your adventurous heart write.

8. When the timer goes off, read over your writing. Close your eyes, take three deep breaths. Acknowledge that you trust in the unknown and all of the adventures unfolding. Then repeat 3 times: "I trust the wisdom of my path."



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