Different Morning Rituals Around the World

Different Morning Rituals Around the World

How you begin your morning sets the tone for the day. It's a special and productive time to tune into your own energy before allowing the rest of the
world in. Keep reading for some morning inspiration with The Moon Deck
+ other rituals from around the world...

Taking a sacred moment for yourself every day is the key to filling your cup, uplifting your mindset + perspective, and attuning to your own prayers + intentions. 
Here is a simple yet powerful way to ritualize with The Moon Deck:
Working with the flame is powerful medicine. If you've joined any of our live classes, you know this is one of Aarona's favorite morning rituals. This ritual connects you with the element of fire and what it represents to you.

Light a candle and recite the following prayer:
"May the bright light and warmth of this flame guide my thoughts, my words, my actions, and my perceptions today...", and then adds to that anything you would like to invoke or call in from the power of the flame. Complete this prayer by saying 'Thank You' 3 times.

Once you've lit your candle, pull an oracle card. Pause in stillness and receive the message or ritual for your day. Here's how to work with our decks:

The Moon Deck- Repeat the mantra on your chosen card 3 times out loud. You can continue to do this throughout the day as needed. 

I Am The Ritual- Permit yourself the space and time to do the ritual on your chosen card. When you do the rituals, magic happens.

Rituals of all types and from all cultures have existed on the planet for thousands of years. Whether solo or in community, they've been practiced as prayer, for celebrations or transitions, to honor ancestors, to deepen one's relationship with Spirit, and for many other reasons. Let's explore some favorites here:

1. In Bali by the Hindu Balinese, gorgeous daily offerings called Canang Sari are placed everywhere, symbolizing a form of gratitude towards the gods. After they're created, incense is lit, holy water is sprinkled over the flowers, and prayers are spoken. They're typically made from betel leaf, banana leaf, lime, gambier, prestige, tobacco, and betel nuts. Learn more here.

2. Buddhist Monks begin their mornings with chanting and meditation every day. It's an unwavering commitment practiced daily. When you chant, you get into a deep trance-like rhythm as you slow your mind down. Meditating supports you in concentration and connection, allowing any inner noise or discomfort to settle and ground. Read more here

3. The yogic practice of breathing exercises known as pranayama is practiced all over the world. It can be very cleansing for both the body and mind while regulating your nervous system and calming your energy when practiced for at least a few minutes. This practice supports you in opening up your channels of energy along with many other benefits. Click here for a breathing practice.
4. One of which we admire takes place in France. The C-C-C as we call it - cappuccino, croissant, and cigarette (say in French accent). The French 'work to live' and not 'live to work' (like us Americans). One of the most precious aspects of this life is living in the present and ENJOYING it. Even though we may not smoke cigarettes, this morning ritual exemplifies that mindset and we're all about it!

5. Another ritual practiced by many cultures is the act of cleansing, purifying, and/or sweeping the home every morning. This clears out negative or stagnant energy and welcomes in a fresh new day. Plus, we all feel more clear, connected, and productive in a nice clean home! 

What else would you add to this list? 

Try any of these rituals out and let us know how they go! 
The Moon Deck

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