NEW MOON IN LEO :: Shine Your Heart

NEW MOON IN LEO :: Shine Your Heart

With a square to Uranus, the planet of change we are being faced with a task from the universe. We are being asked if we are ready to allow ourselves to break open and shine our true self into the world. If it sounds like you have heard this before, you are right on track, the stars have been on a mission these last few years as we enter in the Age of Aquarius to get our ducks in a row. 

By Lexi Marie of @Primally_Cosmic_Yoga

The Leo New Moon comes in with a roar on August 16, 2023 at 2:38am PST. This lunation marks the true apex of Leo Season as we are lit up with our sun and moon together in this sign. Leo is a fire sign, the only sign in the zodiac ruled by the Sun, the center of our solar system. Leo’s are known to be courageous, brave, regal, and likely the center of attention in many circles. However, this bold and fiery sign also represents our connection to our heart which gives it a more gentle and vulnerable quality.

Not only are the Sun and Moon in the sign of Leo, Venus in retrograde motion and Black Moon Lilith are stationed there as well. This means our personalities (represented by the Sun), our emotions (Moon), our values and relationships (Venus), and our shadow selves (Black Moon Lilith) are all getting a taste of Leo brilliance.

With a square to Uranus, the planet of change we are being faced with a task from the universe. We are being asked if we are ready to allow ourselves to break open and shine our true self into the world. If it sounds like you have heard this before, you are right on track, the stars have been on a mission these last few years as we enter in the Age of Aquarius to get our ducks in a row. This means getting extremely honest with ourselves about who we are, what we desire, and where we are headed.

As Spirit Daughter beautifully empowers us, “Leo teaches us that courage comes from when we face our vulnerabilities and love ourselves through them. It reminds us that true courage and confidence are formed when we show up and commit to something, even when we are afraid. Bravery does not mean you aren’t scared. It means you go on despite the fear. When it comes to your intentions, it means you put your whole heart into them even when you don’t know their outcome. But putting your whole heart into them is what makes them real. It’s what tells the Universe you are ready for them, and it’s what tells your energy to start manifesting them”.

When creating intentions as we do around each New Moon, allow your heart to speak to you without as much involvement from the strategic planner of our mind. Leo does not entertain trivial pursuits and pipe dreams. You are being called to look in the mirror, into your own eyes and discover the heart and soul of the matter. No vision or dream is too small—just make sure it is genuine and reflects the True Self, not the one we parade around in this life to get our needs met. The Soul Self that has depth, wisdom, and a heartfelt destiny to fulfill!

As we do this, Astrologer Sarah Vrba has some fabulous tips to include in our intention setting, she reminds us to start small. Not all of our greatest visions and dreams need to happen over night and often times it is our fickle human nature that lacks the patience and perseverance to truly commit to our greatest destiny. So why don’t we start with baby steps? Can we allow ourselves to do that? She asks, “pay attention if to if we are bringing ourselves, do we allow our weird self to be included in the dreaming?” And this includes all the other beautiful sides of our multi-dimensional selves who deserve a seat at the table, to have their voice heard. Host a little dinner party with your bad-ass self, the scared self, the inner rebel, your wacky creative self, and any other voice or persona that would like to consort with you this Leo New Moon- let them know they are seen and heard and let’s get on with the dreaming!

NEW MOON RITUAL :: Altar for the Heart

The Leo Full Moon energy has a lot to do with the heart. It is a passionate, courageous, loving energy that can inspire us to reconnect with the powerful portal inside of our own chests. The heart is the sacred drum that beats on, that has kept time for all life. It is reliable, consistent, and shows up fully even in the hardest of moments. When we need it to speed up, it does. When we ask it to slow down through our breath, it willingly obliges. Your heart has never and will never abandon you.

Try this ritual as a way to honor your heart, bring another element of sacred into your space, and create a space that you can go to to turn towards pure love anytime you need. 

1. Choose a part of your home to create an Altar of the Heart. This Altar can be an addition to an existing altar, or an entirely new creation. Make it a spot in your home that you can go to and comfortably be with. 

2. Gather the materials you would like to decorate your altar with. When you tune into your heart, what do you see? Perhaps you cut out images from magazines or books. Maybe there are flowers or other natural materials (reminder: always ask for permission from the land before taking something from her). You might have pictures of people you love, spiritual figures, crystals, quotes, and anything else that speaks to you.  

3. Place a candle in the center of the altar as representative of the flame in the heart that never goes out. Your heart is as wild and alive as fire, and it will stay lit as long as you are in this body. 

4. Spend some time adorning your altar with the rest of your materials. Remember, you are preparing this altar to convene with the sacred that is your heart, that is you.

5. Go to this altar each day and spend time tuning into your heart. Ask it for any wisdom or guidance. Listen carefully and trust that you will hear what is needed at exactly the right time. Your heart knows the way, and this is your sacred space for it to reveal. 



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