What a beautiful vision, pink wildflowers, the picture in my mind has me take a pause, a deep breath, and a sigh of relief as the winter months come to a close. What a joy it is to witness the rebirth of Mama Gaia this spring after a long, dark, and rainy weather.
By Lexi Marie of @primally_cosmic_yoga

The Pink Libra Full Moon is exact on April 5, 2023 at 9:34pm PDT. This was the name denoted by Native American tribes because of the pink wildflowers that would bloom denoting the coming of spring in the Western Hemisphere. This Moon is also referred to as Gaia’s Moon by the Farmer’s Almanac. 

What a beautiful vision, pink wildflowers, the picture in my mind has me take a pause, a deep breath, and a sigh of relief as the winter months come to a close. What a joy it is to witness the rebirth of Mama Gaia this spring after a long, dark, and rainy weather. We have been journeying through a deep cleansing of the planet, our bodies, and our spirit. 

Balance The Scales

@Goddess_Rising imbues beautiful imagery for us, “Ruled by Venus, the Libra Full Moon amplifies our desire to create Beauty and enjoy heartfelt connections. It is a powerful gateway for creating healing and transformation in how we relate and connect to our selves, each other and life, and how we can choose to create balance, justice and harmony in our inner and outer worlds. In addition, it is helpful to remember to practice self-love, have compassion for others, and honor your boundaries.” 

Much has washed away to deliver us back to the purity of our hearts untouched by the sometimes chaotic and destructive influences of the world. Now we can see with fresh eyes and neutral mind to both honor our progress, release the old and welcome the new. Libra energy is objective, and this lunation is the perfect time to employ the Sage or wise one within to balance the scales. 


This Full Moon in Libra occurs in Aries season, as it does annually when the Moon opposes the Sun. The Masculine Aries energy with the Libran Feminine energy is our opportunity to come into alignment with these two aspects of our divine nature. 

Aries is Self, Libra is Other. Aries is Power, Libra is Peace. Aries is Hustle and Force, Libra is Harmony and Grace. Aries is Passion, Libra is Surrender. 

We are in the midst of a powerful celestial energy that is calling us to find the sweet spot- the balance between all of these dualities and their respective polarities. 

A Dance With Duality

Duality is the essence of life on planet earth. We came here to experience opposing forces- to learn, to grow, and to evolve. Reflect on these themes- self vs. other, force vs. grace. How do they play out in your world? Both internal and external. These dynamics in our lives are calling to be recalibrated and adjusted so that we may find harmony within.

Just as the pendulum swings, we will find our resting space. The place where we can take that sigh of relief~ that sweet spot of grace that honors both the self and the other, the doing and the being.

Loving this perspective from @alyonna.angelica “this full moon is preparing the path to balance karmic energies as well as resetting the course of your destiny. Use your emotions, both comfortable and uncomfortable ones as a stepping stone to push yourself towards transformation, self- love, and success” 

Inquire Within to Connect With Others

This Full Moon is opposing Chiron and Jupiter in Aries. We are being shown by the universe where we have healed with Chiron, the wounded healer by calling attention to the places where we are afraid to be seen in our truth, in our authentic nature. Jupiter is giving us a sense of spiritual protection Molly McCord says and all of these planets in Aries signify that this energy is revolving around our identity as individuals- the primal Self.

Since Libra also represents relationships and partnerships this is a great time to connect or reconnect with others once we have established a balance within.

 This energy can be amplified by experiencing nature or any surrounding that represents beauty and peace for you. Allow yourself to bask in the Pink Moon and adorn your body or home with flowers, crystals, and anything else that invokes a sense of beauty in your heart and psyche.

Ask yourself:

Where do I see beauty within myself and others?

Where is there more space for grace and peace in my life?

What has been hidden dormant within that is ready to be rebirthed into my life?

FULL MOON RITUAL :: Time with The Moon Deck

When we turn towards sacred time (away from screens and the news) we create space to connect with our hearts, our intuition and our highest selves. We can look towards tools such as The Moon Deck to guide us into deeper conversations with ourselves, where insights and revelations await to be unearthed.

Use this ritual every day for the next two weeks and allow your imagination to dance with your heart's knowing as you further discover your truth:

1.Set aside a space in your home that you will use as your Ritual Space. This can be a corner with pillows, a favorite chair, your altar, or an area of your home that you love. Go to this space at the same time everyday in order to perform this ritual. We recommend it as part of your morning ritual or before bedtime.

2. Create a safe and loving space each time you enter it. Light a candle or burn incense, play music that speaks to your spirit. HERE IS A PLAYLIST from The Moon Deck founder Aarona Lea to support you. (it's thoughtfully built as an arc, so start at the first song and play it from the top!)

3. Each day, bring The Moon Deck, a journal, and a pen to your sacred space. Each time you sit and settle into your spot, shuffle the cards, and as you do say out loud three things that you are grateful for in that moment. Once complete, spread your cards out into a clean arched lines with the back of the cards facing up.

4. Then choose three cards, asking a question before you pick each oneAsk the deck your first question: What is most helpful for me to focus on at this time?Choose a card. Place it face up and leave it there. Repeat the mantra 3 times, take in the image and words, and then open the guidebook to the corresponding page to read the meaning in more depth. 

5. Ask your second question: What is the deeper soul guidance to bring me healing at this time? Choose another card.Place it face up and leave it there. Repeat the mantra 3 times, take in the image and words, and then open the guidebook to the corresponding page to read the meaning in more depth.

6. Ask your final question: What does my future self want me to know right now? Choose a final card.Place it face up and leave it there. Repeat the mantra 3 times, take in the image and words, and then open the guidebook to the corresponding page to read the meaning in more depth.

7. Now, spend some time with your cards and journal, writing however it feels to receive the guidance from these three cards. This can be a documentation of the cards or a free form stream of conscious writing of what is present for you after your reading. There is nothing that needs to happen, this is a chance to be with your own wisdom and intuitive interpretation, simply as things are.

8. Once you feel complete, take a moment to thank yourself and all the forces that are supporting you in this very moment. Close your ritual by naming three more gratitudes out loud. Snuff out your candle, leave your three cards out for 24 hours, and settle into your day or evening.



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